Staff Updates

17 April 2020

Introduction to GO1 – Online Training

We have signed the company up to an online training tool which provides a wide range of learning options for those interested in personal development. Many of us have spare time on our hands whilst we are in various stages of lockdown so this is a great opportunity to spend some of your spare time doing something productive.

We have negotiated a 1-month trial package with an Australian based company called GO1. Please visit their website and have a look at the vast array of programmes available to you ( The courses range from short video presentations through to more in depth study programmes. You can choose whatever you like, and take as many programmes as you are interested in. Now we are subscribers it is free of charge to all HamiltonJet employees.

Over the next month GO1 will produce reports for us as to what courses have been taken up by HamiltonJet employees and the numbers participating. This will allow us to see how well it is used and what kinds of things people are interested in.

Anyone with a HamiltonJet email address will get a welcome email shortly asking you to log-in to create an account. If you do not have a company email address you can still get a log-in, but you will need to authorise us to release your email. If you are interested then please email with your full name and the email address you want to use ASAP and you will get a welcome email once we provide these details to GO1.

We encourage you to take up this opportunity during these challenging times.

Ben Reed

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