On Thursday the 14th May the country will be at Level 2. At HamiltonJet the following rules will become effective:
Factory Staff:
- All site-access procedures, work-bubbles, hygiene and social distancing measures will stay in place.
Office Staff:
- We continue to encourage staff to work from home where they can do so effectively.
- Those staff that need to be on site to work effectively can now return. You must agree this with your supervisor and a roster is being created per department to manage staff density in busy areas.
- All staff must park at Gate 6 and enter the factory through the door to the Impeller Cell. DO NOT walk around the outside of the building please.
- You must arrive between 7:00am and 8:30am to be processed on site. Between 7:00am and 7:45am you should enter the building with one of the factory teams as they are checked in. From 7:45am to 8:30am one of the SMT will be available to check you in. The entry process involves a temperature measurement and you will be asked if you have any new symptoms. If you have symptoms you will not be allowed on site.
- If you need to arrive after 8:30am you must arrange this with your supervisor who will ensure the access process can be followed.
- You must mark your presence in your area on the usual magnetic boards for roll-call in the event of a fire. Remember to sign in and out.
- You should continue to keep a log of your times on-site for contact tracing. There is a form available here to allow you to do this.
- All office staff are considered a single work-bubble and 2m separation should be kept where possible. You must avoid entering the clearly marked factory bubbles and contact the supervisor of the area if you need to.
- Reception will remain closed. Visitors are discouraged and must not arrive un-announced. You will need to make your own arrangements if you have a visitor on site and remain on hand at all times. Visitor log forms must be completed and returned to reception when visitor leaves.
Other notes:
- If you feel unwell please stay at home.
- The government mandate that employees should remain on site during work hours has been lifted, so normal movements can resume.
- The café will remain closed during Level 2.
- There will be no site-inductions at Level 2.
- All rules remain part of our written Health and Safety instructions and as such must be followed at all times.
- We are aware that in some areas our rules go beyond what is mandated for Level 2, but we have decided it is better to keep things simple and avoid a widespread re-education about new rules.
- A full copy of our COVID-19 Level 2 plan is available here. You must be fully familiar with it if you return to work.
Ben Reed