We have been working with our advisors to understand the available NZ Government Wage Support package and how it has changed since first announced. Our latest understanding allows us to give you further clarity around how we will handle pay for everyone. This applies to salaried staff and wages employees. Agency workers should discuss their situation with their employer directly.
We are planning to take full advantage of the Wage Subsidy scheme and will be applying for it as a business on your behalf. We are required to share your name and contact details with the government to access the subsidy. Please let us know immediately if you do not want us to do this. Further details are below.
As a result, we can confirm that the first two weeks of the mandated shutdown will be paid 100% in full, without the use of any sick leave or annual leave. This covers the period from Thursday the 26th March to Wednesday the 8th April 2020.
We can also confirm that weeks three and four of the shutdown will be paid at a minimum of 80% of normal wage/salary, again without the use of sick leave or annual leave. I will be meeting with the Board of Directors on Friday to discuss options to bridge this gap to 100%, which I know is everyone’s goal. I will send a further update after this meeting.
I hope this gives you some peace of mind. I also hope you all stay safe and follow the Government rules. I cannot stress how important it is that we all respect the lock-down.
Be well, and enjoy the extra time with your families,
Ben Reed
CEO – HamiltonJet
Wage Subsidy Scheme
Further details of the Government Wage Subsidy scheme can be found at:
Please note that our application will require us to submit details of all staff and wages employees, including Name, Date of Birth, IRD Number and Employment Type.