Staff Updates

28 March 2020

Covid-19 Pay Update


Sorry for the late text message last night. I wanted to make sure you had the basic message as early as possible.

I met with the Board of Directors yesterday and discussed the current pay situation. They were fully supportive of the stance we have already taken by guaranteeing everyone 100% pay for the first two weeks of the lockdown. As promised I additionally discussed ways people could bridge the gap in the subsequent weeks. This is what was agreed:

  • All those unable to work from home will be able to top-up from 80% to 100% pay in weeks 3 & 4 using annual leave. By using just 2 days (or part time equivalent) of your annual leave you will be able to earn 100% of your normal pay for the whole of the 4 week shut-down. Considering most of you will accrue 2 days during the 4-week lockdown this is a pretty fair deal. Please note that sick leave will not be able to be used to top-up.
  • All those working from home (which relates to all but 15 of our salaried workforce) will be paid 100% for all 4 weeks without the use of leave as long as you are working each day. These folks are working hard and doing their best to deliver what they can so the Board agreed that we should pay you as normal. If you would like to take any time off you can use your annual leave.

It is our intention to process as much as possible automatically for you in the payroll system (Jade), but we need your permission to apply any annual leave. If you would like to take the 2 days annual leave to top-up in week 3 & 4 you should email with your instruction or contact your supervisor who can email for you.

If any of you are actually sick during the period of lockdown (and would not normally have attended work) we would like you to contact us and keep us posted. We will advise any individuals how to handle sick leave during this time as circumstances may vary. Be well, and remember to keep in contact with folks you know, particularly if they are on their own.

Ben Reed
CEO – HamiltonJet

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