Lockdown Thoughts

25 August 2021

Lockdown Thoughts 2.8 - Adrian Heath

Continuing my profile of leaders that influenced me over the years, the next is Adrian Heath (not the one that works in the Future Products team, a different one!).

I worked with Adrian in a number of roles, most recently when he was Engineering Director at Caterpillar’s small engine Division, Peterborough, UK. He had a team of nearly 500 engineers and technicians developing engines for off-highway equipment.

Adrian was a powerful force in the business, but like my professor at Uni he had the ability to make me feel like I was working with him, not for him. Always amiable and even tempered, he was a great ally in a complex and highly political organisation with way too many priorities.

The trait I most valued in Adrian was his clarity. He was an absolute role model for me in front of an audience. In a large organisation like Caterpillar (140,000 employees worldwide) the senior leaders would often get presentations to give to their teams from above, containing details and developments across the business. I was always amazed how Adrian could take these briefings and make them engaging. He spent time to understand them, and then delivered them with a calm and eloquent style. Always adding his own perspectives and stories to make them interesting. It was an absolute joy to hear him speak and I looked forward to it every time.

I also admire Adrian for doing what he wanted in life. One day, after 28 years climbing the ladder of engineering success he handed in his notice to become a Maths Teacher. He could have ended up a Vice President of Caterpillar in my opinion, but he chose to follow his heart and do what he enjoyed. He really was an exceptional individual and I still keep in contact today.

Ben Reed
Managing Director - HamiltonJet

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